My Other Blogs

“Kindred spirits are not so scarce as I used to think. It’s splendid to find out there are so many of them in the world.” Anne of Green Gables

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Clanmother is my backward look at the past and the stories that reflect many of the realities that we experience in our modern age.  LadyBudd is a photo blog where I document my moments and thoughts that come when I travel with my camera. ChasingART is about the never-ending exploration of our creative spirit.

Tea Toast & Trivia, is joining the podcast conversations.  The Book Dialogue, is a discussion with my sister, Sarah.  And my latest blog, is Rebecca’s Reading Room, where stories and poetry given voice. Your visits and comments are always appreciated so feel free to explore by following the individual links.

For me, blogging is about finding kindred spirits.  As Anne of Green Gables reminds us, there are many out there. 

Many thanks for connecting,
