The Versatile Blogger Award

On August 13, 2012, I was honoured to be nominated by Malinka’s Studio for the Versatile Blogger Award.   Malinka exemplifies versatility – every blog post provides a unique perspective that is designed to draw a broad audience.  For example, Malinka’s August 22nd post provided a comprehensive and thoughtful review of Paulo Coelho’s The Winner Stands Alone.  The very next day Post Cards were on the agenda.  I enjoy every visit – she is witty, honest, and bold.  In short:  versatile.

Every blogger wants to attract more readers because it is the conversation, the exchange of ideas that makes blogging worth while.  Versatility acts like a magnet, because it adapts to the needs of readers, always anticipating what others may want to know, to learn, to experience. Versatility invites participation.  

I understand that accepting the nomination for the Versatile Blogger award, the following rules apply,

  •  Thank the person who gave you this award.
  •  Include a link to their blog.
  •  Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly
  •  Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award — you might include a link to this site.
  •  Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

A big thank you to  Malinka, for sharing her zest for living, which is clearly evident in her tag line:  A crazy girl living in a small studio, doing lots of things.  She inspires others to embrace life as a true adventure. I am privileged to have bloggers like Malinka stop by for a visit.  To me, blogging is about sharing thoughts, knowledge and experiences.  We tell the story of our generation, and link our global village in ways never before imagined.

Accepting this award has given me the opportunity to thank bloggers for their efforts in creating remarkable blogs. My nominees are, in random order:

Tahira’s Travelling a long way from home – and sharing the adventures with others.

Stuff I Tell My Sister  Well written, spontaneous and full of love and laughter.

Reading Interrupted  A kindred spirit, who loves books!

The Phoblography  Remarkable photography – tells a story in the first glance and another story in the second look.

Maxima A winner of many awards, Maxima brings music, poetry, reflections and video to life.

The Nice Thing About Strangers Travel, Non-Fiction Short Stories, and moments worthy of pause!

Mythbroakia Unique and mystical, Amyth brings a poet/artist perspective to his writing.

Rodposse  Innovative, Inclusive and Creative.  I look forward to every post.

Rufus’s Food & Spirits Guide Amazing foods from around the world.  Expert advice!

Ginger Fights Back Witty, versatile – brings a smile to my day.

Map of Time – A trip Into the Past An amazing voyage into history that gives meaning to our present.

Leaf and Twig An imaginative and profound integration of poetry and photography.  Stunning.

Traveling with Krushworth Krushworth’s travel blog is a fascinating lecture series that uses video, music and photography.

Fjnanic This blog lives the adventure and takes me to faraway places.

Life Through the Kitchen Window A wonderful blog about food, friendship and life.

I am relatively new to blogging, although I have been writing most of my life.  Over the past couple of years, I had been considering the implications of social media as it relates to connecting within a diverse, global community. Writing is only one consideration.  To me, the most important aspects of the blogging experience is reading, listening and understanding. It is similar to the call and response of a music dialogue.

I love music, dance, photography, and travel.  I am committed to the environment – I walk everywhere and take a camera to document the moments.  Books are my obsession, preferably non-fiction.  And I enjoy a warm, spicy cup of Chai tea.

Blogging celebrates connections and stories.  I look forward to the shared journey…

“People travel to wonder at the height of mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the long courses of rivers, at the vast compass of ocean, at the circular motion of the stars; and they pass by themselves without wondering.”  St. Augustine of Hippo (354-430), North Africa

Published by Rebecca Budd

Blogger, Visual Storyteller, Podcaster, Traveler and Life-long Learner

36 thoughts on “The Versatile Blogger Award

  1. Thanks so much for the nomination and congrats on the award! I am a new blogger, also. I love posts like this as it is a fun way to “meet” new bloggers! Have a wonderful weekend! ♥ paula


  2. Congratulations on another well deserved award. I look forward to exploring some of your nominees, although I know Letizia’s fabulous Reading Interrupted blog very well and am so pleased you have chosen her for this award too.


    1. Your comments ALWAYS make me feel spectacular! Thank you for your congratulations and for our ongoing dialogue. We have an amazing blogging community that has the power to connect over miles. And on to our next adventure….


    1. Thank you so much for accepting my nomination and for making me smile. The weekend will bring lots of sunshine – which is always a good thing in Vancouver, Canada (we have a lot of rain). By the way, I have red hair!!!


  3. Congratulations on your much deserved award! And thank you for the nomination; you are so sweet! I always love your quotations and the St. Augustine one is no exception…. your posts are always so delightfully thoughtful….. 🙂


    1. Thank you so much for your comments and for accepting the nomination!! We have an amazing blogging community that seems to have the endless capacity to share and encourage. Thank you for connecting!!!


  4. Thanks ever so much for the nomination. When I get the time I’ll try to pass it on. Thanks again. And congrats to you, well deserved 😀


  5. .Congratulations on your much deserved award! I am honored by your thinking about me and the blog that I write , thank you for the award, we ‘re accoladed , I wish you all the best, I’ll announce soon reward


    1. Thanks for stopping by!! You have an amazing blog and I’m following for future posts!! Blogging has become a full-fledged adventure so I’m battening down the hatches and sailing out into open water…


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